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What is Reiki?


As a practitioner, this is the most common question I'm asked. First, understand that "Reiki" is used both to describe the healing technique as well as to name the energy itself. So, Reiki as a technique, is a form of energy body work. Reiki energy is what is channeled through the practitioner during a session or attunement.


Reiki is a Japanese word that translates as "universal life force energy". It's a clean, pure form of energy, free from the contaminants that can accumulate in our energy channels from the stress of daily living. Some may refer to this energy as natural or nature energy. Some people tie it to a religious or spiritual belief and think of it as "source" energy. In Ayruvedic teachings, this kind of energy is called prana. No matter what you call it, the meaning is clear: this is the engine that powers all that is.

There are some who are skeptical about Reiki because they think it sounds fanciful or mystical or like plain old BS. Honestly, I can understand that. In the 19th century, doctors scoffed at the idea that many of the diseases their patients contracted were caused by tiny organisms that they couldn't see. Acupuncture and chiropractics were once considered quackery. Now most health insurance policies cover them. Point is, it takes people time to get used to new ideas. So Reiki energy may sound fanciful or mystical to someone because we're giving it a name. Yet we all know that being out among nature for a stroll or a hike can be very soothing and restorative. It feels clean somehow, uncluttered, and it touches something within that brings us peace. That whole experience happens because you are absorbing the wonderful energy of life and nature, unencumbered by the usual intrusions, and uncontaminated by the negative by-products of human life. This is what I envision Reiki to be.

How does Reiki work?

Reiki works in a similar way to acupuncture and acupressure. Like those methods of healing, Reiki stimulates the flow of energy within the body's energy meridians, as well as in the major energy centers called chakras. Through this process, energetic blockages are broken down and cleared, thereby restoring the natural flow of energy. In this state, the body is better placed to benefit from its own inherent healing abilities. This promotes and supports the health and well-being of not just the body, but the mind and spirit as well.

What can Reiki do for me?

The effects of Reiki vary greatly from one individual to another. What I can say is that I've never had a Reiki client leave a session feeling like nothing happened.

How exactly one benefits from Reiki depends greatly on their starting point. Someone with several energy anomalies often feels a more dramatic difference following a session than someone whose energy flow is relatively clear. 

I've found Reiki to be particularly effective on stress-related ailments. And I think we can all agree that a good deal of common complaints can be attributed to the degree of stress in our lives. Stress can cause muscle aches, headaches, digestive issues, ulcers, skin rashes, etc.. Stress can deplete our energy, or cause it to become sluggish and stagnant. When energy is cut off from it's normal flow, everything after that blockage is being deprived of this vital life force. Shoulders start to burn, lower backs ache, heads pound, stomachs get upset and so on. Reiki is very effective at relieving these stress-related symptoms.  

Reiki also helps with the emotional symptoms of stress. Depending upon the circumstances of your life, you can have anxiety, be suffering grief over a loss, or feel emotionally or mentally overwhelmed. While Reiki can't change the circumstances that are causing these feelings, it has a very calming effect and often leaves the recipient feeling more clear-headed, serene and grounded. This puts them in a better position to deal with the challenges they're experiencing. Reiki also works well in conjunction with medical treatment and can help accelerate the healing process. Please remember that Reiki is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment of any physical or emotional disease, illness or injury. If you have persistent symptoms or malaise, you should always consult your physician to rule out any serious medical issues.

Is Reiki safe for everyone?

Yes! Reiki is safe for anyone of any age. It can't harm you. At worst, you may feel it didn't help. So you literally have nothing to lose by trying it except for a little time and the cost of the session. Many communities also have free Reiki share events where you can experience Reiki without investing any money. Now you really have no excuse... ;)  

What happens during a Reiki session?

Every practitioner, to some degree, personalizes their Reiki sessions. Most often though, they will create a serene environment that's conducive to the comfort and relaxation of their client. Some will play soft music, light candles or dim the lights, and they may employ some form of aromatherapy.

Normally the client lies down for the session although this isn't necessary. There's no need to remove any clothing except for your shoes. Some practitioners will ask you to remove metal jewelry so as not to interfere with the flow of energy. This is a personal judgment call on the part of the practitioner. I'm not particularly bothered by metal jewelry and I've never felt any interference in the flow of Reiki because of it. In my opinion, this is the mother of all energy, I think it can stand up to a little metal. But some practitioners are not comfortable with this and will prefer you remove it before the session begins.

​​Your practitioner will administer the ​​Reiki by placing their hands on key energy points of the body. I suggest you go over the hand positions with the practitioner prior to the session to make sure you're comfortable with the placements. While the traditional hand positions are not normally considered intrusive, this is a very personal matter and you shouldn't feel shy about asking for any adjustments if you're uncomfortable. A practitioner actually doesn't need to touch you to administer the Reiki and they should have no objections to adjusting their technique to suit you. If they do, find another practitioner.


Some practitioners will work only on the front of the body and some always work the front and back of the body. Some charge extra for doing both so make sure you ask about this ahead of time. During the session you may feel a tingling sensation or a feeling of heat emanating from the practitioners hands. Some people just feel completely relaxed without any noticeable physical sensations. Depending upon whether a practitioner works on one side of the body or both, expect a full session to take between 1 & 1 1/2 hours. Some practitioners charge on a time basis rather than on a session basis. You'll want to know this information going in so ask if it's unclear.

What can I expect following a Reiki session?

The effects of a Reiki session vary widely from one person to another. Also, a person who’s had several sessions may feel very differently after each session. However, some of the most common feelings reported after a Reiki session are: a feeling of great relaxation; feeling clear-headed and grounded; a feeling of being energized; a feeling of floating or lightness. Some don’t feel any different right after a session but feel the effects of it over the next couple of days.


If you had any energy blocks, the location of them might dictate your reaction. So for example, if the energy in your heart chakra was thick and sluggish, once cleared you may experience an emotional release, such as crying. If the blockage was near or in your throat chakra, you might feel very talkative, and so on. You can also have a more systemic reaction such as a runny nose or sneezing, temporary digestive upset, feely foggy-headed or sleepy, etc. These symptoms seldom last more than a day following the session and are thought to be indicative of the detoxifying effects of Reiki energy.


How often can I receive Reiki?


This is something that varies from person to person. Most practitioners will say to space out treatments by a few days, some say by a week or more, but the real deciding factor should be how you feel. Getting Reiki frequently won’t harm you, but it could make you feel a little off kilter if you receive more Reiki than your energy channels can process in that period of time. The guideline I normally use it to tell my clients to wait until they’re feeling like themselves again before having another treatment.  


What’s the difference between a Reiki session and a Reiki attunement?


A Reiki session is what you get when you visit a practitioner and receive Reiki. A Reiki attunement is what you would seek if you wanted to become a practitioner. An attunement expands one's energy channels, increasing the amount of energy they can draw in. This provides a surplus of energy that the practitioner can now channel outward for the benefit of another.

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